My Business Is My Beauty And Power

Gitte Lassen
2 min readApr 20, 2020

My business is my raw beauty and power expressed into the world.

It matters to me. A lot.

I pour my heart and soul into it.

I’ve put blood, sweat and tears into it for a long long time.

I can’t treat my business as something just to make money with. It’s not a thing, an object for me to use, but something that exists as a source of constant inspiration and motivation to be more ME, and then more ME, and then more ME, and then more ME…

Whenever I get too narrowly focused on the making money part of my business and forget about my truest self-expression, it morphs into a ‘just a thing to be used to make money with’.

The excitement and passion for my business and my work disappear and it becomes just another soulless, heartless, passionless job, something I ‘have to do’ for the sake of making money, instead of something I can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning to do more of.

I stop treating my business with respect, honoring and appreciating the gift of it, and instead of loving it and loving my clients and loving the power of transformation and business building I create for my clients — it becomes just a thing, like my dishwashing brush that has little value and importance to me, for me to use to make money.

I forget that I’m here to make a difference. I forget I’m here to help people turn their business codes not only into a glorious expression of they themselves, but also to help give their codes physical form to create great impact and delicious money overflow. I forget that my clients are on a spiritual journey through the continuous up-leveled self-expression that their business requires.

I stop enjoying my business to the point that I end up resenting it and just want to get away from it. I stop selling.

That’s when I know it’s time to bring it to a full stop and ask myself: Since I know how to sell and I’m not, it must be because I actually don’t want to. Why did I stop wanting that when I love my work, and love my clients and love making lots of money?

My focus became ‘making money’ instead of me expressing myself through my business and focusing on helping people. That’s why. And that’s not okay.

I must reconnect with my Truth of my business again, with my heart and soul, with my love for it, my passion for it.

And I do.

And suddenly work and business is the best thing ever again and I’m back to sharing ME with the world.

As it should always be.



Gitte Lassen

Gitte Lassen is a business coach to ambitious spiritual entrepreneurs. To learn more about her unique coaching methods, join her FB group: